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The parents how to choose the right school for autistic children

PostDate:2014-12-23 Share: QQ空间 新浪微博 腾讯微博 人人网 网易微博 更多

Really find a normal school for autistic children or let the child go to special school is to make a lot of parents are tangled problems, how to give children choose the school? It also depends on the child's own situation and the specific situation of the school.
(1) children can fit on the regular school, in what way (followed in the normal or? With? Etc.), it is the parents should have a clear judgment in half a year ago. Don't have a certain degree, abruptly to a regular school, is also not realistic. This is the first question.
(2) suggest at least since six months ago, and the related teacher first contact, the principal of the school, what demonstrated connected are best, no contacts directly find the principal's office. A returning back to the second, every man's heart is meat long. How statement, how to say, want to first.
After a contact, often keep contact point. Parents face of the present is important, make the school feel the efforts of the parents, not easy, reasonable, lower body, try to give a positive impression. Sympathy is important. Compassion is not a pity, but understanding and experiencing transposition.
(3) worry about startle and rejected first, there is no need. If the school is such an attitude, you went in also can give you back, so that a more passive. Of course, and the school of communication, can skills, have a little a bit. If you have several schools can choose, can go hand in hand together.
Whether the small classes, the school teaching quality is good, all is floating clouds, is not important. First is the President of the teacher in charge teacher caring can tolerate.

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